2021 GOLD MarCOM award

Investment Group

Here to outperform and look good doing it

The exclusive group you want an invite to.

Sage Investment Group isn’t your small mom and pop real estate investment group. This is a group of advanced investors in a niche real estate fund with proven growth models that definitely feels like the speakeasy of accredited investors.

Exclusive, Intelligent,
& High-end

Starting from scratch, Sage Investment Group knew they wanted their brand to feel like the cool guy at the party — the guy who always has it together, but you’re not sure how he does it. They wanted to convey a sense of mystery while still being a trusted investing partner.


Sage Investment Group's visual identity had to communicate expertise, confidence, and reliability as leaders in niche real estate. The logo symbolizes strength, upward momentum, and high returns, emphasizing growth and opportunity. It also conveys stability, assuring stakeholders that Sage offers a secure, well-researched investment.

Not So Secret Site


With the printed presence firmly established, attention turned to website creation. Prioritizing a lasting impression and a lavish user experience, the site was meticulously designed with generous white space and premium photography selections. Each building image underwent editing to convey an upward perspective, reinforcing the brand narrative of exponential growth.
The site's palette adopted a dark tone, aiming to evoke a sense of exclusivity and the discovery of a well-kept secret. Every load-in animation and user path were meticulously crafted to underscore the rarity of being invited to partner with Sage Investment Group.

Cards, Signs, and Anything in Between.

Once their visual identity was established, it was essential to spread their powerful mark across every touchpoint. Their logo sliced through business cards, letterheads, annual reports, and presentation templates—you name it, Sage invested in it. They aimed to ensure their brand was everywhere, reinforcing their presence at every interaction.
Sage didn’t just want their logo displayed; they wanted clients to experience the luxury of their brand firsthand. Each touchpoint was designed to be tangible, from the smooth finish of a business card to the weight of an annual report, ensuring that clients could feel the quality at every turn.
Rooted in Strategy, Grown with Creativity.

It’s Time to Spruce Up Your Brand!

Let’s Do This